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Find out whether a worm can learn to navigate a simple mazeThe purpose of this experiment is to attempt to train a worm to complete a simple maze in order to find out if worms can learn and remember.I ...

Find out whether plants respond to human speech.The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether talking to a plant will help it grow.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

Determine if a goldfish can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with feeding time.The purpose of this experiment is to see whether a goldfish has the intelligence necessary to respond to simpl ...

Determine whether people are more likely to be swayed by a positive ad or by a negative ad.The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether positive or negative ads have a more powerful effect on hu ...

Determine whether people are more likely to break a rule if it is difficult to follow. The purpose of this experiment is to examine the human tendency to break rules and to find out whether they are m ...

Find out how butter is made.The purpose of this experiment is to separate cream into butter and buttermilk.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

There is a common saying that, “Time flies when you’re having fun?” For many people the sensing of the passage of time is affected by the activities that they are engaged in. For one person, an activi ...

Vacuum chambers are used by physicists for a number of different reasons. In a vacuum chamber, the air is completely removed, creating an environment in which normal planetary pressure does not exist. ...

Find out how to lower a person’s center of balance.The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether it is easier to balance on a narrow ledge or on a rope if a person is holding their arms out to th ...

Learn about starting fires without the use of matches or lighters.The purpose of this experiment is to find out how difficult it is to start a fire from scratch.It is an educational content by educati ...